Is Your Sprinkler Malfunctioning?
10/26/2021 (Permalink)

The landscaping at your commercial property in Terre Haute, IN, often makes the first impression on clients entering the building. Keeping your irrigation system working properly is therefore vital to maintaining your company’s image. Broken sprinklers can be detrimental to the plants they’re designed to care for. If left unchecked, they can also cause flooding problems for which you will need to hire a water mitigation specialist to handle. When sprinklers malfunction, there are several steps you can go through to determine what the underlying cause may be.
1. Determine Type of Problem.
Irrigation problems tend to fall within two main categories. Hydraulic problems are the result of an issue with the way the equipment works. They may be due to a cut pipe, debris in the line or a technical problem with one or several of the sprinkler heads. Electrical problems have to do with getting power to the components that need it. Checking the timer or making sure the irrigation system is fueled from a working outlet can be some of the first things you do when you suspect that the problem is electrical.
2. Determine Scope of Problem.
Is your whole system out, or is it just malfunctioning in one zone? If, for example, pressure is low in one zone, a pipe in that zone could be clogged. If, however, it is low everywhere, the problem is probably closer to the main source. Determining how large the problem is can help you narrow down the causes quickly.
3. Determine Cause of Problem.
Any number of things can cause irrigation issues. If some of the components are poor or worn out, you are likely to experience leaks. If a rock is blocking the water’s path, the system has to work harder to get the flow to the sprinkler. It is a good idea to contact a qualified professional to help you determine the cause if it’s not immediately evident.
Finding the cause of a problem with your irrigation system is important. It can help you keep your landscaping beautiful and your building safe from external flooding.
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