What our Customers say...

General Testimonials

I can count on the team at SERVPRO of Vigo to be calm in times where I am NOT. I've made multiple frantic calls to the SERVPRO team in my five years of real estate investing in West Central Indiana.

I hope you never need to call them, but if you do, I highly recommend making the call 24/7 to them. I've cried sad tears when a pipe freezes at one of my properties during a cold Indiana night and then I've cried happy tears after the experienced, empathetic team assures me that they can help.

In the most stressful situations, I am so thankful to have SERVPRO as an option. We highly recommend adding them as a contact in your phone. Just in case.

A basement renovation left a bright, empty but dust-filled space. An attempt to clean it ourselves quickly proved futile. I immediately thought of SERVPRO. The estimate visit proceeded smoothly. The estimate seemed high but that was based on nothing in particular. I assumed I would get my money's worth, and I needed to get this taken care of quickly. The date was set and the truck and two workers showed up promptly, finishing in just under 1 1/2 hours. They were very pleasant - they worried they were going to damage a tree pulling into my drive [not a problem] and we did a walk-thru afterwards with the assurances that anything that came up afterwards in terms of questions, I could/should contact them.

SERVPRO was quick and effective. Crew was always incredibly friendly and was able to complete quality work in a timely fashion. From setting up the job to getting it taken care of, my experience with SERVPRO was Grade A from the top down. I would highly recommend for your next renovation!

It was very easy working with SERVPRO.